Posts tagged 'simple Furniture'

المشاركات مميزة
Midas Furniture in the Largest Retail Leadership Forum
8 Reasons Why Artificial Plants & Flowers Will Be Your Favorite Home Décor
8 Reasons Why Artificial Plants & Flowers Will Be Your Favorite Home Décor
7 Things to Look for When Choosing Your Kitchen Cabinets
23 مشاهدة

Declutter and Organize: A Fresh Start for Your Pantry

Have you opened your pantry door lately and been greeted by chaos? Bags, boxes and cans threatening to avalanche onto the floor, everything so disorganized you struggle to find what you need. It's time for a fresh start. An organized pantry can make your life so much easier and help reduce stress. In just a weekend you can transform your pantry from disastrous to delightful. You'll be amazed at how much space you gain and how much easier it is to cook meals and bake treats when you know exactly where everything is located. Follow these simple tips to declutter, categorize and contain, leaving you with a pantry you'll be proud to open. Your kitchen will become more functional and efficient, and you'll gain peace of mind knowing what you have on hand. Get ready to roll up your sleeves - it's time for a pantry makeover! 

11 مشاهدة

How to Smarten Up Your Kitchen

Have you been thinking about making your kitchen smarter but aren’t sure where to start? Don’t worry, it’s easier than you might think. Smart home technology has come a long way, and now there are lots of affordable options to automate and upgrade your kitchen. You can control your appliances from your phone, get notifications when the oven is preheated, or have the lights turn on when you walk in the room

41 مشاهدة

Create Your Perfect Study Space:10 Study Room Ideas

                    Your bedroom is your sanctuary, it’s where you rest your head and the end of every day and feel the safest. Your bedroom, like the rest of your house, if not even more so, should reflect your personality. Even if it’s the place that only you see and guests are not invited inside, you should not neglect it. If you design your bedroom well, not only will you feel more relaxed and at ease, but it will also affect your overall quality of life. That being said, many people fall into very common mistakes when it comes to bedroom design that can disrupt the entire flow of the room and can be counterproductive and have the opposite effect than the one desired. The following are the 10 most common mistakes that you should keep in mind when designing your own bedroom.

25 مشاهدة

Getting Your Room Layout Just Right!

                    Your bedroom is your sanctuary, it’s where you rest your head and the end of every day and feel the safest. Your bedroom, like the rest of your house, if not even more so, should reflect your personality. Even if it’s the place that only you see and guests are not invited inside, you should not neglect it. If you design your bedroom well, not only will you feel more relaxed and at ease, but it will also affect your overall quality of life. That being said, many people fall into very common mistakes when it comes to bedroom design that can disrupt the entire flow of the room and can be counterproductive and have the opposite effect than the one desired. The following are the 10 most common mistakes that you should keep in mind when designing your own bedroom.

151 مشاهدة

10 أخطاء يجب تجنبها عند تصميم غرفة نومك

إن غرفة نومك هي ملاذك، حيث تسند رأسك وتسترخي في نهاية كل يوم وتشعر بالأمان. يجب أن تعكس غرفة نومك، مثل باقي منزلك، شخصيتك إن لم يكن أكثر من ذلك. وبالرغم من أن غرفة نومك مكانا لا يراه أو يدخله سواك، ولا يتم دعوة الضيوف إليها، فلا يجب إهماله. إذا قمت بتصميم غرفة نومك بشكل جيد، فلن تشعر فقط بمزيد من الاسترخاء والراحة، بل ستؤثر أيضًا على مستوى معيشتك بشكل عام. ومع ذلك، يقع العديد من الأشخاص في أخطاء شائعة جدًا عندما يتعلق الأمر بتصميم غرفة النوم التي يمكن أن تعوق مسار الشكل الجمالي للغرفة وبالتالي تأتي بنتائج وتأثير معاكس لما هو مطلوب. فيما يلي الأخطاء العشرة الأكثر شيوعًا التي يجب أن تضعها في اعتبارك عند تصميم غرفة نومك.